$BBL on Ethereum — BlockBlend Weekly #2

4 min readApr 17, 2022


Happy Easter! It’s been another great week at BlockBlend. We’ve started our phase 2 marketing plans by tackling the world of YouTube Defi, having only scratched the service on a few different content creators. Our farms have reached an incredible 58% TVL across BlockBlend tokens total supply and our developers have again been hard at work building on BlockBlend’s unique product set.

BlockBlend on Ethereum

We are delighted to announce, BlockBlend is going to be launching on the Ethereum blockchain in the coming weeks as an additional network to the current Binance Smart Chain protocol.

The important details:

  • The total supply of the $BBL token will remain unchanged. We will bridge across a percentage of $BBL from BSC to Ethereum for liquidity on launch.
  • We are developing our own bridge so that $BBL tokens can be moved freely across BSC to Ethereum / Ethereum to BSC. The bridge will be available to $BBL investors on the BlockBlend website.

What does this mean?

  • By launching on Ethereum it enables us to collaborate with other projects on the network by acting as THE source for anonymous services, enhancing the potential utilization of the $BBL token.
  • The new bridge will allow us to expand the BlockBlend token further into other networks. Our goal is to eventually make anonymous transactions accessible to ALL investors, across ALL chains.

How does this benefit investors?

  • We’re anticipating average volumes on the Ethereum network across trade and the anonymous cross-chain bridge to be far higher than on BSC. This will mean more volume added to our farms, giving token holders access to a higher percentage of passive income.
  • If trade volumes on Ethereum outweigh BSC it will allow us to reduce trade taxes across both networks, giving investors a better entry when buying and more profit when selling. Our goal is to eventually completely remove trade taxes and have the project funded entirely by BlockBlend product usages.
  • By enabling the bridge we will see the circulating supply on BSC reduce, adding scarcity to the token supply across both networks.


  • We aim to launch BlockBlend on Ethereum within the next two weeks. We will keep everyone updated on Telegram, Discord & Twitter when a specific date is announced.

Please note: The above details are subject to change depending on development progress and security testing. A final article will be released near launch time with information on how to bridge and buy $BBL on Ethereum, as well as further clarification on farms across BSC and Ethereum.

Getting ready for the BNB/BBL pool

With the 21 day BBL pool coming close to the end block, we will be launching the BNB/BBL LP pool for investors to participate in. To join the pool you will first need to create the BNB/BBL LP pairing on pancakeswap when it is available to do so, you will then stake your LP tokens in the pool on BlockBlend. Investors in the current 21 day BBL pool will need to first unstake their tokens if they wish to join the new pool after it has ended.

Marketing highlights

Over the last week we have focused our attention on collaborating with content creators in the defi space, including a live YouTube AMA with passive income specialist, James Pelton.

We also saw an awesome review of the BlockBlend project created by YouTuber, LazyBoyCrypto.

Finally, BlockBlend investor and content creator, CryptoAlly, created a series of videos guiding viewers across different parts of the protocol.

User Interface updates

We made a few cosmetic updates to the cross-chain anonymous bridge, including simplifying the UI making it more user friendly to all crypto investors. We also updated the usage graph by showcasing each chains volume, rather than one complete volume bar.

Other highlights

  • The BlockBlend community has grown tremendously over the last week on Telegram, so much so that we have added more localized community channels for non-English speaking investors to discuss the protocol upon request from members within our community.
  • BlockBlend was trending at the top on Crypto.com for a 48 hour period on Wednesday.
  • Number of token holders is now at 2437.




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